Wednesday, August 17, 2011

hospital stay...

Cade was born on June 21, 2011 and Claire was born on June 22, 2011. Yes, they do in fact have different birthdays. Although I was a bit unsure of this during the delivery and hoping to speed up their arrival or delay it altogether until after midnight, I discovered I had no choice, they already had a mind of their own. They came when they wanted! But we are so happy to have them here. Cade ended up in the NICU for about 6 days and and Claire was there about 16 days along with 10 of those days being in Boise. Gratefully after an emotional several days we could see the light at the end of the tunnel knowing that they were both going to be ok and could finally come home.
So excited to be finally be going home!
First time together after birth!
Claire Eichner
Cade Eichner

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