Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Poop

Now I know that you may find the title a big gross, but with babies the word is only bound to come up...

Our poor little Cade seemed so miserable and without a bowel movement in several days.  I just couldn't help but feel that he was just ready for a big one and was having a little trouble executing.  It made me so sad, so, I asked daddy to watch Cade as he chilled in a warm bath.  I figured it was worth a shot to see if we could help him work out this little, or should I say BIG problem of his.  Daddy agreed and he just sat him in his little tub and they just chilled.  Meanwhile, Cade had a bottle and as the time passed it eventually happened!  A few floaties were spotted and within minutes the poop came oozing!  It was hilarious and about the most exciting thing!  Nate and I were smiling and cheering him on.  Now don't get me wrong, it was disgusting, but he felt so much better and you could see how relieved he felt.  So naturally Nate and I couldn't help but feel like we had just won the lottery!  The tub proved to be a great laxative, but a messy one for sure.

We love our little guy and would do anything for him.   Even if it means letting, no encouraging him, to poop in the tub!

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